The Openwork Foundation

Morocco Cycle Challenge 2023 Update: Demante to Abachkou


Breakfast at 8am. Departed Hotel Alanis and civilisation at 9am for a 4x4 trip to our starting point. A brief briefing, then off for our first hour’s vertical climb!

Lunch was a welcome relief under the trees in the shade needed for what was to come – a three-and-a-half-hour ascent, a warm up Colin our group leader said – not too difficult Colin said!

If that was a warmup, I thought I am in trouble! Fortunately, after a brief respite at the top of the col it was all downhill from there! Literally downhill – in the shade through the mountains lit by the afternoon sun – shades of brown, orange greys, blues, and greens. But the descent wasn’t without incident.

  1. Mike our first casualty – fortunately nothing too serious
  2. Chased by a donkey!
  3. Chasing a donkey – who incidentally is still trying to find it’s way home!

And finally arriving at our salubrious accommodation; a luxury cow shed with showers and another cow shed without showers!!

There was a look of bemusement on all our faces, but we took this in our stride and in two groups sat down for dinner. I mentioned cow sheds but there were no cows. Dinner was cow tagine.

The usual banter followed dinner, but it was time for bed. 3 people by 3 people, and 2x4 and then Helen in privacy – but no door!

Then lights out and all dreamed of what Day 2 would have in store!

Cliff Gray,

Director Prosperity Financial Services Ltd

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The Openwork Foundation

The Openwork Foundation Cycle Challenge 2023 - Morocco