Women in Finance
The Openwork Partnership is a proud signatory of the Women in Finance Charter, promoting gender diversity in financial services.
The Openwork Partnership is a proud signatory of the Women in Finance Charter, promoting gender diversity in financial services.
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Women in Finance Charter
The Openwork Partnership is a proud signatory of the Women in Finance Charter, promoting gender diversity in financial services. The Charter now has more than 400 signatories covering over one million employees across the sector.
The Women in Finance Charter signatories can be viewed on the gov.uk websiteThe Openwork Partnership has pledged to promote gender diversity by:
- Having one member of our Executive team who is responsible and accountable for gender diversity and inclusion
- Setting internal targets for gender diversity in our senior management
- Publishing progress annually against these targets on our website;
- Having an intention to ensure the pay of the Executive Team is linked to delivery against these internal targets on gender diversity.
Richard Houghton, CFO is the Executive Team member who is responsible and accountable for gender diversity and inclusion.
As part of the Charter, we have committed to increasing our female representation in senior and middle management to 36% (From 30%).

We are committed
The Openwork Partnership is committed to achieving our targets through:
- Fair recruitment policies and processes.
- Retention and Promotion of female talent within the business.
- Creating a culture which supports women across the business and enables them to take on senior management roles.
- Embedding our Diversity and Inclusion Strategy across the business.
What are our current statistics?
of our Executive Team are female.
of our Holding Company Board are female.

We recognise
We recognise that increasing gender diversity is integral to the long term success of The Openwork Partnership and we will continue to work towards moving the dial and improving our female representation across all levels of the business.
Read our gender pay report